Saturday, August 26, 2006

MDM Zinc v2.1.1

Zinc™ v2.5 is the industry leading SWF2EXE application - Create, Build and Deploy real Desktop Applications based upon the Adobe® Flash® Format! Available for Windows, Mac OSX and Pocket PC, Zinc™ v2.5 is the fastest, most powerful, most feature-packed Rapid Application Development tool for Adobe® Flash®!

Zinc™ v2.5 empowers your Adobe (Previously Macromedia) 6, 7 and 8 SWF files with unrivaled functionality and flexibility. Create powerful Desktop Applications for Windows with over 800 new and extremely powerful commands for your Flash projects.

Zinc™ v2.5 can completely customize every aspect of your Application from size, style, border and icon, and its powerful scripting support, {mdm}Script 2.0, allows unrivaled functionality. Zinc™ v2.5 even allows you to completely skin your projectors and Application with over 100 pre-designed Skins!
